Ethan Netland

Hi, my name is Ethan Netland, and this is my CV.

(Compact, Pretty PDF Version)

Here's the short version: I am a Software Developer, recently graduated from Northeastern University. I am currently residing in Boston and working for a fantastic company called clypd. I am fascinated with the intersection of technology, entrepenuership, and design. If you'd like to talk to me about what you are working on, what I'm working on, or really anything else, drop me a line.



Northeastern University

College of Computer and Information Sciences

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Business Administration


  • magna cum laude
  • Northeastern Merit Scholarship
  • Dean's Scholarship


Related Coursework

  • Software Development
  • Web Development
  • Database Design
  • Object Oriented Design
  • Fundamentals of Computer Science

Work Experience



Software Engineer
  • Ruby
  • Rails
  • PostgreSQL
  • Resque
  • RSpec
  • Redis
  • Capistrano
  • Backbone

At clypd, I have adopted a generalist role with a focus on the backend infrastructure which ingests, processes, and exposes data for the rest of our services. Using Ruby and Resque, I write tasks to import data from various partners and clients into our Postgres database. I then manage writing Rails based APIs to expose this data to other services, primarily our client UI. I also coordinate with DevOps for weekly releases using Jenkins and Capistrano to deploy to Rackspace. As a member of a small team, I have the luxury of jumping into new technologies and projects regularly. Here are several of the other projects I have worked on:

  • I created the UI to display advertisement delivery information to advertisers, suppliers, and internal administrators. The page allowed completely dynamic filtering and grouping of a table of information, as well as graphs using flot to display various KPI for users. I later refactored this UI using Backbone.js to move the display logic client-side (the first component of our UI to use a javascript MV* framework) and improve the user experience.
  • Developed integration with major strategic partner Invidi, working with members of their development team to develop a client for their API, allowing our backend to insert orders directly into their system.
  • Created an OpenRTB compliant bidding system in Ruby using Rails Metal and Redis to quickly parse bid requests from our internal exchange, filter advertisements based on several criteria, and render a JSON response.


Rails Engineer
  • Ruby
  • Rails
  • Rspec
  • AWS
  • Heroku
  • Git
  • PostgreSQL

At TapWalk, I was responsible for the entire Rails stack for the client-facing admin platform. The platform allows for the entry of client data, including maps, points of interest, events, and news items. This information is stored in S3 as JSON objects, where it is accessed by the mobile portion of the TapWalk platform. My day to day responsibilities consisted of feature development and maintenance in Rails, testing using RSpec, and deployment to Heroku. In my six month co-op I was responsible for many changes, including:

  • Adding support for formatted text within the apps using WYSIWYG editors and HTML.
  • Many User Experience upgrades for data-entry; using Javascript to improve tagging, icon hierarchies, file uploads, list ordering, and other elements of the UI.
  • Upgrading the user authentication and authorization system using Devise and CanCan to improve security and introduce tiered client pricing.

Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs Agency Lending

Trading Software Development Co-op
  • Java
  • Perl
  • SQL
  • SVN
  • Shell Scripting
  • Visual Basic

At Goldman Sachs, I worked on a small team of ~8 developers working on internal software for the Agency Lending operations. Day to day responsibilities included automating internal processes using Perl and shell scripts, generating client reports using Visual Basic and Excel, and developing features for the internal Java/Swing application used by Trading, Client Services, and Operations.

At the end of my co-op I headed up a new internal application to facilitate the security returns process for Operations. The application received updates in various formats from major banks, consolidated the required returns, validated against our own database, and recommended the best course of action. This was developed closely with the Operations team and has saved and hundreds of man-hours of work (not to mention lots of paper) since its deployment.

Charles River Development

Charles River Development

Software Development Co-op
  • Java
  • C#
  • SQL
  • JUnit

At Charles River Development, I worked as part of a team of 6 developers within the larger Investment Management System project. My team focused on the Securities window, for the display, entry, and validation of a wide variety of different securities. I worked in C# and Java to implement new security types and validate existing types, as well as working with JUnit to improve testing coverage in the validation logic.


Merch Perch

3rd Place, StubHub Boston Hackathon, May 2013

This team of truly wonderful people and I created MerchPerch over a 36 hour span for the inaugural StubHub Boston Hackathon, with the goal being to "transform the fan experience." The project is a merchandise sales platform, where vendors catalog their merchandise for upcoming events through the vendor portal. Customers can then browse merchandise before or during the show, pay with Stripe, and pick up their merchandise with their receipt on their smartphone.


Semester Project Image Matching Software

Created for Northeastern's Software Development course, SPIMS is a program which searches for a set of given pattern images within the set of given source images. We achieved this through normalized cross-correlation, using Fourier transforms to speed up the process. Written in Python, making liberal use of SciPy and NumPy.



  • Ruby
  • Javascript
  • SQL (specifically Postgres)
  • Python
  • Java
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • C#
  • Perl


  • Ruby on Rails
  • RSpec
  • Git
  • Resque
  • Redis
  • Backbone
  • Heroku
  • AWS (S3/EC2)
  • Subversion


  • Music Production & Theory
  • Cooking
  • Generative Art & Design